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Perkenalkan, saya MUHAMMAD FATA FIRDAUS guru Geografi SMA Negeri Punung. Terima kasih telah berkunjung ke blog saya, mohon kritik dan saran yang membangun untuk peningkatan kualitas dan kemajuan blog saya.

Selasa, 26 April 2011

Sandunes/ Bukit Pasir

examples of dunes

Dune: accumulation of sand transported by the wind, found in deserts and along coasts.

longitudinal dunes

Narrow elongated dunes that form when the wind blows in two convergent directions.

transverse dunes

Dunes that form perpendicular to the direction of the wind.

chain of dunes

Dunes aligned in the same direction, parallel to the wind.

parabolic dune

Crescent-shaped coastal dune whose arms point into the wind; vegetation often keeps it in place.

complex dune

Star-shaped dune that forms where winds blowing in various directions meet.

crescentic dune

Moving crescent-shaped dune whose arms extend in the same direction as the wind.

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